Prenatal and Postpartum Wellness Care
Headaches, Neck and Shoulder Pain, Rib Pain, Low back and Sciatica
Breech and Posterior Babies
Dr. Elliot Berlin, DC
Dr. Elliot Berlin is an award winning prenatal chiropractor. His innovative techniques for prenatal wellness care address tight and painful muscles and tendons utilizing specific massage techniques based on soft tissue releases. He combines this with traditional chiropractic adjustments to restore motion to restricted joints.
The unique 'prenatal chirossage' session effectively addresses most pregnancy aches and pains in just a few visits and promotes a healthy, comfortable, and functional pregnancy and preparation for an ideal labor and delivery experience.
Dr. Berlin notably works with several hundred breech babies each year, most of whom turn into the ideal pre-birth position once normal function is restored to the mother's low back and pelvis.
"I was weeping because I knew I couldn't labor like this for two more days, and thought I would end up with a cesarean. I continued to get adjustments from Dr. B. After 12 contractions, our baby was born at 5:38 pm." - Anonymous
"Doctor Berlin is a gentle spirit, super knowledgeable, and later we learned is one of THE experts for prenatal chiropractic work and helping turn breech babies. In addition to helping our baby land into position, he helped me with some severe hip pain that was making it hard for me to walk. We are forever grateful!" - Tatiana
"Dr. Berlin is awesome! I always looked forward to my weekly visits and how relaxed he made me feel. I always left the office feeling great! Wish I could have an appt every day!" - Sheri